Laser Therapy
What is Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT)?
Low intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) also known as 'cold laser' is the use of energy lasers to eliminate pain, accelerate healing and decrease inflammation. LILT helps enhance the body's own repair and healing process, which is especially beneficial in the cases of chronic or long-term conditions.
Mechanism of Action
Low Intensity Laser Therapy helps restore normal cellular function while enhancing the body's natural healing processes by delivering light energy (photons) to the cells. The tissues and cells then absorb this energy and use it to accelerate the rate of tissues healing thus speeding up the recovery process.
Frequency of Treatments
While some patients get immediate results, other require 6-12 treatments before seeing a lasting effect. Less severe or acute injuries will require fewer treatments than chronic or sever conditions.
What conditions can Laser Therapy treat?
Laser Therapy has proven to be highly effective in treating both acute injuries and chronic pain of various kinds.
It is especially effective in treating the following conditions:
Musculoskeletal injuries -
Degenerative diseases -
Arthritis -
Joint replacement rehabilitation -
Back and neck pain -
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Ankle Injuries
- Plantar Fascitis
- Jaw pain
- Whiplash
Musculoskeletal injuries
Degenerative diseases
Joint replacement rehabilitation
Back and neck pain
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Ankle Injuries
Plantar Fascitis
Jaw pain
Therapeutic Benefits of Laser Therapy
Faster Healing:
Accelerates cellular reproduction and growth and accelerate collagen synthesis in damaged tissue.
Pain Relief:
Cells release beta-endorphins, a morphine like substance, that naturally decrease pain.
Reduces Inflammation:
Reduces swelling, stiffness and pain.
Increases Vascular Activity:
Laser light increases blood flow to the injured area.
Laser Therapy- Is it safe?
Low Intensity Laser Therapy is painless and has been in use for over 20 years with no known side effects. It does not damage living tissue and it an entirely non-invasive therapy.